Projects that are tagged with canonical correlation analysis.

Logo Correlative Matrix Mapping, CMM 1.1

by emstrick - July 5, 2011, 15:15:21 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 15577 views, 3369 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Correlative Matrix Mapping (CMM) provides a supervised linear data mapping into a Euclidean subspace of given dimension. Applications include denoising, visualization, label-specific data preprocessing, and assessment of data attribute pairs relevant for the supervised mapping. Solving auto-association problems yields linear multidimensional scaling, similar to PCA, but usually with more faithful low-dimensional mappings.


Tue Jul 5 14:40:03 CEST 2011 - Bugfixes and cleanups

  • single precision data affected pinv(). Now fairer using double precision.
  • early stopping did not work properly; now fixed
  • Hessian update mode globally controlled via hessmode, 'lbfgs' / 'bfgs'
  • distmat.m corrected for rounding problems and extended to distmat(X,Y)
  • replaced files: corv.m + corvgrad.m -> corvg.m
  • removed unused files: corrmat.m, splitdata.m, traforankapply.m