LibPGhttp://mloss.orgUpdates and additions to LibPGenMon, 03 Dec 2007 19:59:04 -0000LibPG 126<html><p>The PG library is a high-performance reinforcement learning library. The name PG refers to policy-gradient methods, but this name is largely historical. The library also impliments value-based RL algorithms, natural actor critic, least squares policy iteration and others. It has been designed with large distributed RL systems in mind. It's also pretty fast and modular. </p> <p>API documentation and examples are provided. There is a C++ template which should make it easy to implement your problem within the LibPG framework, without needing to know anything about RL. </p> <p>What libpg does NOT provide is model based planning algorithms such as value iteration, or real-time dynamic programming, or exact policy gradient. There is limited support for belief state tracking in the simulators/Cassandra/ directory (named because we use the POMDP file format created by Anthony Cassandra). </p></html>Douglas Aberdeen, Olivier Buffet, Jin Yu, Fabio Pakk Selmi Dei, Xinhua Zhang, Tony LopesMon, 03 Dec 2007 19:59:04 -0000 criticcontrolleast squares policy iterationpolicy gradientreinforcement learning