Large margin filteringhttp://mloss.orgUpdates and additions to Large margin filteringenSat, 18 Feb 2012 15:50:43 -0000Large margin filtering 0.9<html><p>This code is an implementation of the large margin filtering method for both 1D sequence labeling and 2D pixel classification in images. It is the code that has been used in the paper Large Margin Filtering. </p> <p>In addition the package contains an updated version of the Toolbox SVM-KM (with classifiers defined as a structure and not a bunch of matrices), and general function for validation/cross validation. </p> <p>This package contains: </p> <p>SVM-KM : SVM and kernel methods toolbox (see here) Wrappers function svmclass2 that permits to learn different SVM Solvers (libsvm, monqp, svqp2, …) Other methods: GMM (using netlabs) </p></html>remi flamary, alain rakotomamonjySat, 18 Feb 2012 15:50:43 -0000 vector machinematlabclassificationfeature selectionalgorithmsregularizationfeature extractiondata generatorfilteringimage classificationlinear classifier