3 projects found that use lua as the programming language.

Logo Lua MapReduce v0.4.0

by pakozm - December 23, 2015, 09:32:11 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 30040 views, 7673 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Lua-MapReduce framework implemented in Lua using luamongo driver and MongoDB as storage. It follows Iterative MapReduce for training of Machine Learning statistical models.

  • Updated to work with luamongo v0.5.0, which uses C++ driver legacy-1.1.0

Logo A Pattern Recognizer In Lua with ANNs v0.4.1

by pakozm - December 3, 2015, 15:01:36 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 27572 views, 6821 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: APRIL-ANN toolkit (A Pattern Recognizer In Lua with Artificial Neural Networks). This toolkit incorporates ANN algorithms (as dropout, stacked denoising auto-encoders, convolutional neural networks), with other pattern recognition methods as hidden makov models (HMMs) among others.

  • Updated home repository link to follow april-org github organization.
  • Improved serialize/deserialize functions, reimplemented all the serialization procedure.
  • Added exceptions support to LuaPkg and APRIL-ANN, allowing to capture C++ errors into Lua code.
  • Added set class.
  • Added series class.
  • Added data_frame class, similar to Python Pandas DataFrame.
  • Serialization and deserilization have been updated with more robust and reusable API, implemented in util.serialize() and util.deserialize() functions.
  • Added matrix.ext.broadcast utility (similar to broadcast in numpy).
  • Added ProbablisitcMatrixANNComponent, which allow to implement probabilistic mixtures of posteriors and/or likelihoods.
  • Added batch normalization ANN component.
  • Allowing matrix.join to add new axis.
  • Added methods prod(), cumsum() and cumprod() at matrix classes.
  • Added methods count_eq() and count_neq() at matrix classes.
  • Serializable objects API have been augmented with methods ctor_name() and
    ctor_params() in Lua, refered to luaCtorName() and luaCtorParams() in C++.
  • Added cast.to to dynamic cast C++ objects pushed into Lua, allowing to convert base class objects into any of its derived classes.
  • Added matrix.sparse as valid values for targets in ann.loss.mse and
  • Changed matrix metamethods __index and __newindex, allowing to use
    matrix objects with standard Lua operator[].
  • Added matrix.masked_fill and matrix.masked_copy matrix.
  • Added matrix.indexed_fill and matrix.indexed_copy matrix.
  • Added ann.components.probabilistic_matrix, and its corresponding specializations ann.components.left_probabilistic_matrix and
  • Added operator[] in the right side of matrix operations.
  • Added ann.components.transpose.
  • Added max_gradients_norm in traianble.supervised_trainer, to avoid gradients exploding.
  • Added ann.components.actf.sparse_logistic a logistic activation function with sparsity penalty.
  • Simplified math.add, math.sub, ... and other math extensions for reductions, their original behavior can be emulated by using bind function.
  • Added bind function to freeze any positional argument of any Lua function.
  • Function stats.boot uses multiple_unpack to allow a table of sizes and the generation of multiple index matrices.
  • Added multiple_unpack Lua function.
  • Added __tostring metamethod to numeric memory blocks in Lua.
  • Added dataset.token.sparse_matrix, a dataset which allow to traverse by rows a sparse matrix instance.
  • Added matrix.sparse.builders.dok, a builder which uses the Dictionary-of-Keys format to construct a sparse matrix from scratch.
  • Added method data to numeric matrix classes.
  • Added methods values, indices, first_index to sparse matrix class.
  • Fixed bugs when reading bad formed CSV files.
  • Fixed bugs at statistical distributions.
  • FloatRGB bug solved on equal (+=, -=, ...) operators. This bug affected ImageRGB operations such as resize.
  • Solved problems when chaining methods in Lua, some objects end to be garbage collected.
  • Improved support of strings in auto-completion (rlcompleter package).
  • Solved bug at SparseMatrix<T> when reading it from a file.
  • Solved bug in Image<T>::rotate90_cw methods.
  • Solved bug in SparseMatrix::toDense() method.


  • Better LuaTable accessors, using [] operator.
  • Implementation of matrix __index, __newindex and __call metamethods in C++.
  • Implementation of matProd(), matCumSum() and matCumProd() functions.
  • Implementation of matCountEq() and matCountNeq() functions for
  • Updated matrix_ext_operations.h to change API of matrix operations. All functions have been overloaded to accept an in-place operation and another version which receives a destination matrix.
  • Adding iterators to language models.
  • Added MatrixScalarMap2 which receives as input2 a SparaseMatrix instance. This functions needs to be generalized to work with CPU and CUDA.
  • The method SparseMatrix<T>::fromDenseMatrix() uses a DOKBuilder object to build the sparse matrix.
  • The conversion of a Matrix<T> into a SparseMatrix<T> has been changed from a constructor overload to the static method
  • Added support for IPyLua.
  • Optimized matrix access for confusion matrix.
  • Minor changes in class.lua.
  • Improved binding to avoid multiple object copies when pushing C++ objects.
  • Added Git commit hash and compilation time.

Logo Torch 5 5.1

by andresy - October 1, 2008, 04:25:12 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18564 views, 3401 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Torch5 provides a matlab-like environment for state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and provides a very efficient implementation, thanks to a easy and fast scripting [...]


Initial Announcement on mloss.org.