About: The source code of the mldata.org site - a community portal for machine learning data sets. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Tools to convert datasets from various formats to various formats, performance measures and API functions to communicate with mldata.org Changes:
About: This is the source code of the mloss.org website. Changes:Now works with newer django versions and fixes several warnings and minor bugs underneath. The only user visible change is probably that the subscription and bookmark buttons work again.
About: jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is based on BLAS and LAPACK, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations, and uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making jBLAS very fast. Changes:Changes from 1.0:
About: The goal of this project is to provide code for reading and writing machine learning data sets for as many programming languages as possible. Changes:Forgot to include the Java sources.
About: This software contains several matlab scripts for computing the RDE (relevant dimensionality estimate). The RDE measures the number of leading PCA components in feature space which contain the [...] Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.