Projects authored by jason weston.

Logo Torch 5 5.1

by andresy - October 1, 2008, 04:25:12 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18552 views, 3396 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Torch5 provides a matlab-like environment for state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and provides a very efficient implementation, thanks to a easy and fast scripting [...]


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Logo Spider 1.71

by jaseweston - November 19, 2007, 15:51:59 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 12059 views, 3602 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be [...]


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