About: Reference implementation of the LASVM online and active SVM algorithms as described in the JMLR paper. The interesting bit is a small C library that implements the LASVM process and reprocess [...] Changes:Minor bug fix
About: LibSGDQN proposes an implementation of SGD-QN, a carefully designed quasi-Newton stochastic gradient descent solver for linear SVMs. Changes:small bug fix (thx nicolas ;)
About: OLaRankGreedy is an online solver of the dual formulation of support vector machines for sequence labeling using greedy inference. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: OLaRank is an online solver of the dual formulation of support vector machines for sequence labeling using viterbi decoding. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: LaRank is an online solver for multiclass Support Vector Machines. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.