Project details for Armadillo library

Screenshot Armadillo library 7.200

by cu24gjf - July 10, 2016, 15:44:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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Armadillo is a high quality linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the C++ language, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use.

Useful for algorithm development directly in C++, or quick conversion of research code into production environments (eg. software & hardware products).

Provides high-level syntax (API) deliberately similar to MATLAB.

Provides efficient classes for vectors, matrices and cubes, as well as 200+ associated functions; integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported.

Various matrix decompositions are provided through integration with LAPACK, or one of its high performance drop-in replacements (eg. multi-threaded Intel MKL, AMD ACML, or OpenBLAS).

A sophisticated expression evaluator (based on template meta-programming) automatically combines several operations to increase speed and efficiency.

Primarily developed at Data61/CSIRO (Australia) by Conrad Sanderson, with contributions from around the world.

Changes to previous version:
  • eigs_sym(), eigs_gen() and svds() now use a built-in reimplementation of ARPACK; contributed by Yixuan Qiu
  • faster handling of compound expressions by vectorise()
  • added .index_min() and .index_max()
  • added erf(), erfc(), lgamma()
  • added .head_slices() and .tail_slices() to subcube views
  • expanded ind2sub() to handle vectors of indices
  • expanded sub2ind() to handle matrix of subscripts
  • expanded expmat(), logmat() and sqrtmat() to optionally return a bool indicating success
  • spsolve() now requires SuperLU 5.2
BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Unix, Mac Os X
Data Formats: Ascii, Binary, Hdf, Csv
Tags: Matlab, Matrix Library, Atlas, Lapack, Linear Algebra, Templates
Archive: download here


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