- Description:
ELKI: "Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures" is a development framework for data mining algorithms written in Java. It includes a large variety of popular data mining algorithms, distance functions and index structures.
Its focus is particularly on clustering and outlier detection methods, in contrast to many other data mining toolkits that focus on classification. Additionally, it includes support for index structures to improve algorithm performance such as R*-Tree and M-Tree.
The modular architecture is meant to allow adding custom components such as distance functions or algorithms, while being able to reuse the other parts for evaluation.
This package also includes the source code, since this software is meant for the rapid development of such algorithms, not so much for end users.
- Changes to previous version:
Additions and Improvements from ELKI 0.6.0:
ELKI is now available on Maven: https://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki|elki|0.7.0|jar
Please clone https://github.com/elki-project/example-elki-project for a minimal project example.
Uncertain data types, and clustering algorithms for uncertain data.
Major refactoring of distances - removal of Distance values and removed support for non-double-valued distance functions (in particular DoubleDistance was removed). While this reduces the generality of ELKI, we could remove about 2.5% of the codebase by not having to have optimized codepaths for double-distance anymore. Generics for distances were present in almost any distance-based algorithm, and we were also happy to reduce the use of generics this way. Support for non-double-valued distances can trivially be added again, e.g. by adding the specialization one level higher: at the query instead of the distance level, for example. In this process, we also removed the Generics from NumberVector. The object-based get was deprecated for a good reason long ago, and e.g. doubleValue are more efficient (even for non-DoubleVectors).
Dropped some long-deprecated classes.
speedups for some initialization heuristics.
K-means++ initialization no longer squares distances (again).
farthest-point heuristics now uses minimum instead of sum (renamed).
additional evaluation criteria.
Elkan's and Hamerly's faster k-means variants.
CLARA clustering.
Hierarchical clustering:
Renamed naive algorithm to AGNES.
Anderbergs algorithm (faster than AGNES, slower than SLINK).
CLINK for complete linkage clustering in O(n²) time, O(n) memory.
Simple extraction from HDBSCAN.
"Optimal" extraction from HDBSCAN.
HDBSCAN, in two variants.
LSDBC clustering.
EM clustering was refactored and moved into its own package. The new version is much more extensible.
OPTICS clustering:
Added a list-based variant of OPTICS to our heap-based.
FastOPTICS (contributed by Johannes Schneider).
Improved OPTICS Xi cluster extraction.
Outlier detection:
KDEOS outlier detection (SDM14).
k-means based outlier detection (distance to centroid) and Silhouette coefficient based approach (which does not work too well on the toy data sets - the lowest silhouette are usually where two clusters touch).
bug fix in kNN weight, when distances are tied and kNN yields more than k results.
kNN and kNN weight outlier have their k parameter changed: old 2NN outlier is now 1NN outlier, as commonly understood in classification literature (1 nearest neighbor other than the query object; whereas in database literature the 1NN is usually the query object itself). You can get the old result back by decreasing k by one easily.
LOCI implementation is now only O(n^3 log n) instead of O(n^4).
Local Isolation Coefficient (LIC).
IDOS outlier detection with intrinsic dimensionality.
Baseline intrinsic dimensionality outlier detection.
Variance-of-Volumes outlier detection (VOV).
Parallel computation framework, and some parallelized algorithms
Parallel k-means.
Parallel LOF and variants.
LibSVM format parser.
kNN classification (with index acceleration).
Internal cluster evaluation:
Silhouette index.
Simplified Silhouette index (faster).
Davis-Bouldin index.
PBM index.
Sum of squared errors.
Concordant pair indexes (Gamma, Tau).
Different noise handling strategies for internal indexes.
Statistical dependence measures:
Distance correlation dCor.
Hoeffings D.
Some divergence / mutual information measures.
Distance functions:
Big refactoring.
Time series distances refactored, allow variable length series now.
Hellinger distance and kernel function.
- Faster MDS implementation using power iterations.
Indexing improvements:
Precomputed distance matrix "index".
iDistance index (static only).
Inverted-list index for sparse data and cosine/arccosine distance.
Cover tree index (static only).
Additional LSH hash functions.
Frequent Itemset Mining:
Improved APRIORI implementation.
FP-Growth added.
Eclat (basic version only) added.
Uncertain clustering:
Discrete and continuous data models.
FDBSCAN clustering.
UKMeans clustering.
CKMeans clustering.
Representative Uncertain Clustering (Meta-algorithm).
Center-of-mass meta Clustering (allows using other clustering algorithms on uncertain objects).
- Several estimators for intrinsic dimensionality.
MiniGUI has two "secret" new options: -minigui.last -minigui.autorun to load the last saved configuration and run it, for convenience.
Logging API has been extended, to make logging more convenient in a number of places (saving some lines for progress logging and timing).
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Platform Independent
- Data Formats: Arff, Other, Csv, Parser Extension Api
- Tags: Clustering, Visualization, Algorithms, Evaluation, Anomaly Detection, Outlier Detection, Index Structures
- Archive: download here
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