- Description:
Lua-MapReduce framework implemented in Lua using luamongo driver and MongoDB as storage. It follows Iterative MapReduce for training of Machine Learning statistical models. Documentation stills almost inexistent, but two examples are provided:
- WordCount task (MapReduce example)
- APRIL-ANN toolkit digits classification task (Iterative MapReduce example)
- Changes to previous version:
- Use of tuple in emit function.
- Added tuple for in-mutable and interned values.
- Silent fault tolerance when non reduce jobs.
- Added error message when mixing not-string and string keys in persistent_table objects.
- Updated persistent table to allow lock and unlock methods.
- Solved compilation problems in Travis CI.
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Linux, Mac Os X
- Data Formats: Agnostic
- Tags: Machine Learning, Mapreduce, Mongodb
- Archive: download here
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