@article{Danilo_Roy_Soc_A:08, author={D. P. Mandic and M. Chen and T. Gautama and M. M. Van Hulle and A. Constantinides}, title={On the Characterisation of the Deterministic/Stochastic and Linear/Nonlinear Nature of Time Series}, journal={Proceedings of the Royal Society A}, volume={464}, number={2093}, year={2008}, pages={1141--1160} } @ARTICLE{Gautama_Phys_Rev_E_2003, AUTHOR = {T. Gautama and D. P. Mandic and M. Van Hulle}, JOURNAL = {Physical Review E}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {046204-1 -- 046204--5}, TITLE = {On the Indications of Nonlinear Structures in Brain Electrical Activity}, VOLUME = {67}, YEAR = {2003} } @ARTICLE{Gautama_IEEE_BME_2004, AUTHOR = {T. Gautama and D. P. Mandic and M. Van Hulle}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {728--736}, TITLE = {A Novel Method for Determining the Nature of Time Series}, VOLUME = {51}, YEAR = {2004} } @ARTICLE{Gautama_2004, AUTHOR = {T. Gautama and D. P. Mandic and M. M. Van Hulle}, JOURNAL = {Physica D}, NUMBER = {3--4}, PAGES = {167--176}, TITLE = {The delay vector variance method for detecting determinism and nonlinearity in time series}, VOLUME = {190}, YEAR = {2004} } @ARTICLE{Temu_TMI_2003, AUTHOR = {T. Gautama and D. P. Mandic and M. M. Van Hulle}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {636--644}, TITLE = {On the Analysis of Nonlinearity in f{MRI} Signals: Comparing {BOLD} to {MION}}, VOLUME = {22}, YEAR = {2003} }